Monday, January 23, 2006


Sometimes these blog posts originate from the strangest of all places. Today's thoughts were triggered by a sitcom of all things. The show is called "How I Met our Mother". Its a pretty decent show for a sitcom - told in a serial manner which advances the stories and characters week by week and its smart, witty and has a heart. Anyway, in the course tonights episode the idea of a "perfect (romanitc) moment" whose memory lasts until one is old and grey is brought up. A moment that is "unspoiled" by the next day or I guess as the show implies reality.

It sounds like a sweet idea actually, a perfect romantic moment and memories that can exist in isolation of everything else in life. Although the way one of the characters suggests as a way to keep it perfect is to not see each other again. Well needless to say that doesn't happen as they are reunited the next day after much effort by the guy.

What strikes me as odd about the idea is this. When you think about it, a moment at the same time always exists in isolation, separated by the dimension of time, unique in time and circumstance...yet it is always integrally connected to the people, and circumstances that got you to the moment in the first place. My opinion is "So WHAT!" if not everything after it is perfect. You've experienced the moment, tasted life, created a memory, and formed a bond. That can never be taken away. If something is just pure, it just is. What better way to celebrate that memory then to, take a chance and to try to create new ones?

The truth is in real life we all have memories we treasure (romantic or otherwise). Over time we may look upon them differently, romanticize them into perfect memories etc. Sometimes its the imperfections of those moments that makes them so throughly perfect anyway. So this is Derwin saying...don't fear losing the perfect moment for its time has passed anyway - just do what you can to make more of them and to treasure every single one.

Monday, January 16, 2006

New blog

Hey all, I've decided to start a new weblog devoted to what I personally tune into...


Hope you all enjoy it. It doesn't mean I won't oocasionally post a new video code on this site though. Anyway, hope you enjoy it. Give it time to grow and get better.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

All the words....

While I'm the first to admit that I'm not exactly the most eloquent person out there(hell...check this blog out!), I like to think I have a decent grasp of language but there are those times when its I find it impossible to articulate things even with all the words of the language at my disposal.

Its usually those times I might go and listen to music that has the effect on me of evoking whatever it is I'm thinking or feeling so that I can spend more time considering it. It's really at this point usually, that I realize its not really the articulation I'm having a problem with but usually just understanding what it is I'm experiencing. Its frustrating because you know exactly how it feels so you feeel like you might understand it, but you go ahead and try to think about it - to put it into more complex thoughts so you can work with it, put it into context etc and it feels like you're spinning your wheels.

I don't know if this happens to other people, but I think its got to be one of the most bothersome things about the human condition. Sometimes, it almost makes one wonder how humans thought about things before there was language - which obviously they did and which we obviously still do. Its just so intertangled with our thought process that it really does effect the way we all think. The brain is wired in certain ways and without doing the research I'm betting language skills are closely tied to reasoning and abilit to comprehend new things. However, we can think about abstract concepts and ideas free from the shackles of language - take math for example. It is what it is what it is no matter how you think about it. There's no need to go ahead and put words to it to explain the meaning. Anyway, I guess it comes down to this...language and all the words out merely label, describe, and communicate ideas, concepts, and feelings...all things that can exist on their own. How frustrating it is when one can't do that. How rewarding it is though when we go try to describe something (whether to ourselves or to others) and in doing so truly discover what we were really thinking and feeling.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

yum yum

So simple, but it was good stuff! mmmmmm


HAPPY NEW YEAR to anyone out there reading this! Lets welcome in 2006, the first year of the second half of the first decade of this millenium! Could I GET more long winded?


This blog started just over a year ago, and shortly thereafter called attention to tsunami ravaged areas. I thank all of you out there who did all you could to help out. Lets take this time to hope for the best for everyone and that the monies donated are appropriately used. As I struggled to find a direction for this blog, I chose not too focus too much attention on world events so I did not make special postings about the other tragedies this year, like Katrina and the horrible response time of the governments in its aftermath. I would like to thank all of you out there who did do what they could and remind you that victims of each tragedy still need help.

Anyway, good luck to everyone in the new year. I enjoyed my time off, but back to reality soon.