Monday, July 25, 2005

Just a few thoughts...creatures of habit.

It’s been said countless times that "humans are creatures of habit". I think we...well, people wander through life (whether with purpose or not) picking up these habits. These habits come in all kinds. Some are good, some are bad, some hard to get rid of, some you'd rather not get rid of. In some respects, they kind of color our lives and partially make us who we are everyday.

It’s strange though. Sometimes we don't even know we pick up these "habits". They go deeper then say always sleeping on the same side of the bed or brushing you teeth a certain way. We become accustomed to things, to do things a certain way with someone, to sharing things with other people in a particular fashion. We can even become very fond of these habits. When these things are taken away or no longer exist we can deny to ourselves all we want but its undeniable that we miss the "habit" or that we miss who we are when these "habits" are present.

A classic example I can think of is When Henry Higgins after just being told by Eliza Doolittle that she won't be seeing him again, tells himself "I can do without anyone. I have my own soul, my own spark of divine fire!". Moments later we hear one of the more familiar quotes in entertainment history as he begrudgingly acknowledges his love for her presence in "I've Grown Accustomed To Your Face".

When I was younger I kind of believed we (people) could really be whoever we want, that is to decide who we'd be and just be determined to be that person, after all as Higgins puts it, we have our own soul and divine spark, each of us. However, humans are social beings by nature - each contact with whomever we come into contact with shapes us a little, and some do so more because we "grow accustomed" to them through these "habits". As I now have a longer life to reflect back onto, I've got a greater appreciation of what I have or can grow accustomed too, and I think that’s important for everyone to find out for themselves what that is, as through self discovery you can improve your own life and maybe just those people you've "grown accustomed" to. After all, maybe they've "grown accustomed" to what you two (or 3 or 4 or whatever) share also. So, be not mindless with your habits.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Hazy, Hot, and Humid is just so "not it"!

90 degrees plus nasty humidity can make one look fondly back on even the blizzard of 2005. You can't tell from the picture but there was over 30 inches of snow that day. I was among the first to bust out and drive around. Bless winter tires and quattro!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Hollywood Moment.....

Its been a long time since i posted...i'm back....

Anyway, there's a cultural phenomena called the "The Hollywood Moment". What is it? Its that perfect story, the ultra dramatic. The underdog coming back and winning on a last second buzzer beater. The heroic protaganist that foils the evil villain. Each one of us has some beleif in it at times or at least the very notion of it.

So the question is what makes one actually "go for it". When is it worth it? When is it not? Will you regret going for it or regret not going for it?

This weekend I was presented with two such situations.

Situation 1: One hand of texas hold em. I am down on the chips...the underdog. the bet was raised. i have a chance to match the large raise and if i did so would nearly double my chip count making a huge comeback. i have a chance to hit a straight....but only one chance left. That last chance would be on "the river". i can almost hear the sound effects of a casino in the background in a tv show. I have the urge to rub my hands on the cards and concentrate so they change into the cards I want them to be....all god of gamblers style.

Situation 2: I'm out at a lounge attending a celebration of someone's birthday I barely know. Actually I was just bored and decided to go out and crash my friend's friend's b-day night out. It was a fun night. Over the course of the night, amongst a host of pretty people I meet a friend of a friend whom I find to be absolutely adorable and unbelievably attractive, standing well above the rest even. She seems nice and like a fun person to be around to boot. And even though I can't hear half the words she says I can picture us getting along (ok, thats a stretch on my part, lol). So the catch is that she is leaving the country to go across the world to work for at least a year and she is leaving Thursday that week(7/7). You can obviously see the possible hollywood style story or that magical week spent together both will never forget being formed in my mind. So I buy her a drink and we start talking a little bit more...

So...can you guess which situation I went for the Hollywood moment and which I didn't. I'll give you a hint. I regretted a little bit going for it on one occasion and more so for not going for it on the other.

So, here I am advocating for everyone going to go out and try for their "Hollywood Moment". They only present themselves every so often...