Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Staring at the Sea. . .

Yes, I know the title is a rip off of the title of an early Cure singles anthology album, but the phrase speaks to me.

Why? Well, it can mean a number of things and the imagery conjured up in the mind can be powerful.

For instance, one can stand on the shore and just stare and admire the beauty, breadth, and just admire nature. It can be a serene moment, one to reflect on just how great it is "to be".

It can also make one feel how small one is in the whole scheme of things with the horizon seemingly endless.

If one looks at it from another standpoint, one of say a traveler of days gone by about to set sail. Its the classic marking of the end of journey and the start of another. Much has happened looking back toward the journey leading to the shore, while one can only take a guess at what will happen crossing the ocean and what it will take to do so. Its a decision point, one of no return perhaps. Perhaps the decision has already been made for by what one's done in the past or made for one, but its made. Its at that point that you sail, you may look back with fondness, maybe even with longing at times, but you realize the past is the past for all the reasons that be and you set sail into the unknown, keeping the past close at heart (because after all the past makes us what we are today)...after standing at the shore and staring at the sea.

Setting Sail,



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