They help us get through our days. There's a certain peace in following one, and a certain efficiency for a good one. Some routines are things we do just for ourselvers. Some are to perfrom mundane tasks more efficiently. Some orgainze our whole days. They get us through our days preserving out mental, physical, and spiritual energy to handle things that are well...less routine, for example a crisis at work, tough decisions, a harsh physical challlenge etc.
In general, routine is a steadying force. They work for us. However, sometimes when routines develop out of bad habits instead of being planned out, they can harm us. Even planned routines have their weaknesses if we work too hard to keep the routine instead of the routine serving our needs.
Life is full of double edge swords I guess. At least for routines we need only remember to "periscope up" to take a look at a bigger picture or THE big picture every so often to avoid being hurt by them. Sometimes when I realize I haven't written here recently it tells me I haven't taken enough time to at least think about other things. Periscope up guys!
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