Mental images
We all know what happens when expectations are not met. People aren't happy when that happens. Just think of when you were a kid and didn't get what you wanted for your birthday or the holidays or whatever when you thought you were getting it. You were probably surprised, disappointed, and a little bit upset or angry. And it doesn't change much as we mature. Think of the last time expectations weren't met at work, say a coworker didn't deliver on commitment etc. Probably wasn't a good scene. Bottom line is we don't like it when something we thought was going to happen doesn't. So what could be worse? Just add the 4th dimension of time and it becomes another problem. Let me explain, so things that are about to happen but haven't are expected to, but what about things that already are. So how can things that already are not be what you think they are? Well, its when we delude ourselves. Now, I'm not talking pyschos but otherwise rational people, and we do this all the time. We create these mental images or versions of things that actually aren't true - particularly about people...people we care about, even sometimes ourselves. We even rationalize around the truth in order to make our mental versions of these people our own reality. Its all the more difficult when that image is finally broken. Funny beings we humans are...a constant struggle or our rationale thought and our irrational feelings.
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