Simply Sunny..
A Sunny Disposition - It's a simple thing really. Smiling as you speak, being friendly, speaking in an upbeat optimistic tone. Its not all that a difficult thing to do when you think about it. It comes naturally to some more then others it seems, but in the end the actions are simple. At the same time, its an extremely powerful thing. I was recently reminded of this as I stood completely aware of its effects on me during a conversation with an acquantance from my teenage years. This person who was little more to me then a pleasant smiling face in the crowd all those years ago stood before me making me feel all the warmth of the sun. It was simply impossible to not have my already good mood even bettered. As a result, we probably spoke more in those 15-20 minutes then we did in a say about a year of high school. I left the conversation thinking of all the positive things we'd talked about, feeling happy for her and also thinking of what a happier place it'd be if everyone put on their "best face" all the time.
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