Friday, October 14, 2005

A Moment in time in the lives of young people...

Ok, so this week's "blog buddies" piece was to be either a story, a writing about time or a funny story... Below is a short piece written in a narrative voice by yours truly telling the story of only a few moments in time in the lives of two young adults. ***Forgive me if the writing is a bit 7th grade and the topic a bit tired***

Time. He felt as if it was running out. He could not see the second hand of his watch ticking its way around but nevertheless he could feel its presence like prey can feel its predator looming near, bearing down, setting up for the sure kill. You see, he had just met her. Her, or his near perfect her or so you had imagined only seconds ago. He knew nothing about her except they had a common friend and she was in his opinion radiantly attractive. Tick, tick, tick. . . The usual hellos, greetings and small talk transpired in the loud dark arena and the sentences were sometimes shouted as the remixed pop music “bumpin” from the sound system seemed to make a great void of the couple inches from his mouth to her ear or from her mouth to his. Time. He again became acutely aware of it. Even the rhythmic beat of the music seemed to count the time running out. He was well aware that the time to make not just a good first impression but a distinctly non harmless and male one was brief … just a few moments in time compared to the hours spent out that night. THESE few moments in fact. Its been said that a man takes just seconds to decide whether or not they’d even consider ever “being” with a particular woman. His very presence for several minutes here and his telling eyes give him away that she fell into either the “yes” or “maybe” bins of that question that’s answered in those precious few seconds. Tick Tick tick. He realized he hadn’t thought this much about time in a long time. Still, for all the pressure that these thoughts had just caused, as the seconds did take away, he began to relax if only a little. She was still here.

Time was of the essence she thought. It wasn’t too long before she realized that she had spent a bit of time talking to him. She did not quite know what to make of him yet….she needed more time to figure it out. What did this guy want? He had not made the usual kind of forward advances that just earlier in the night she had the occasion of politely fending off. Still, some actions and mannerisms of his felt to her not the type of the decidedly uninterested. She thought again about time as more of it had passed. It was then that she decided best to go find her friends and figure things out later, as in the end…time will answer her question anyway…not that she knew if she really cared or not. As she found her friends moments later, time had wiped the curiosity out of her mind…for the time being at least…


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