Monday, August 01, 2005

A Year . . .

A Year is 365 days, or as in a famous Broadway musical song lyric "525,600 minutes". It is roughly the time it take for the earth to travel once around the sun on its orbital pat. To people though, its a way to mark whats considered to be a substantial yet small amount of time. Its the way we relate our lives as a whole to the 4th dimension of the universe.

The average person lives to be almost 70 years old. 1/70 seems small, but if each one rushes by 70 isn't a big enough number or as the cliche says "life is too short". Funny thing about cliches - unlike others I find them to hold a lot of value. Life is ultimately too short. Once you got the hang of one phase of your life you are onto another.

I've had quite some time to think about things over the past year and the one thing I can never think is more true is that we people should honor and treasure those who are close to us. They teach us how to do things, share much of themselves not for selfish reasons. We don't often enough take the opportunities to honor and treasure these people. We wait for special occasions, birthdays etc. I don't advocate constant incessant reaffiramtion - for those that deserve this mostly don't need it or seek it. However, isn't it nice to hear once in a while out of the blue? Let sincere deserved compliments not be strangers from the breath escaping your lips and let your actions also convey your heart's will.

So, while we live day to day to day and year to year to year, we don't usually know how long our paths are crossed with those currenlty on the same one. That is why I beleive we should each make the journey better for each other while we can and share of each other our true and naked hearts. In this way each person on their life journey will be better for having shared the road even if the "forks".


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