All we can do...
(12/29/04)Unless you've been under a rock for the past few days, by now you are aware of the massive tragedy in southeast Asia, the earthquake and resultant tsunamis. The sheer magnitude and breadth is beyond the comprehensive capabilities of this young citizen of the world.
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(01/01/05) Well, not too much I can say that hasn't already been said elsewhere at this point, but I wanted to at least provide a link to a list of ways to help...hence the name of the post..."All we can do...". While we may feel helpless as individuals wrapped up in our daily lives I can't help but think all our private donations will end up helping greatly when added together. I applaud those that are getting personally involved (such as groups like doctors without borders i'm sure will).
Hopefully, we can all start out the new year thinking about and helping our fellow man! On that note, I wish for everyone to have a Happy New Year and to remember and appreciate how fortunate we all are sitting her today.
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